Portfolio > The Lone Road

Travel has always inspired my art and recording my journey informs the series entitled The Lone Road. Each summer I would log thousands of hours riding my motorcycle in some of the most beautiful country in the North America. During that time I encountered a variety of weather and these monotypes give visual form to the sensations of riding through rain, sleet, wind, and blistering sun.

solo motorcycle ride
monotype with woodcut
Sturgis Rider
monotype with chine colle and polyplate litho
Riding South Dakota
monoprint with poly plate and chine colle
Wall of Death
monotype with chine colle and polyplate litho
Solo motorcycle ride
monotype with chine colle
The Lone Road announcement card
charcoal on paper
 Lone Road series
graphite on cradle board

Hundreds of those miles with only the sound of rubber on asphalt. I absorb the myriad smells each season brings and take in the visuals with a painter's eye. My monotypes are the results of long hours in a meditative state and express the colors of weather, glimpsed farmsteads, plowed fields, and lights reflecting off wet pavement.